Lu Chun Cha Lingzhi Tea - The Healthier Way to Spend your Tea Time
Compared to coffee, tea is more widely used & known for it's medicinal values. Correct me if I'm wrong. Some of the top grades are Black tea, Green tea and Oolong tea. One of the most loved properties of tea is it's antioxidant factor - handles the free radical made-mess in our bodies, keeps our arteries well-flushed and of course, the anti-aging agent. Here today, I'll focus on one type of tea - Oolong tea. I have my reasons and you'll find out later why. Benefits of Oolong tea Oolong tea is said to be beneficial in heart health, reducing the risk for heart-related disorders, reduces inflammation and lowering blood cholesterol levels. Thanks to it's content of polyphenolic compounds. It also contains numerous minerals and vitamins vital to our health such as copper, magnesium, zinc, selenium, potassium, vitamins A, B, C, E and K. More of Oolong's contribution: Effectively metabolizes fat, cutting the chances for obesity. Removes free radicals...