After Pregnancy Diet - What to Eat After Giving Birth?
Alhamdulillah! A Healthy newborn is in the house. Excitements fills the air, yes but mommies in confinement are not as robust as they were before. And their body needs proper care & nourishment so they can recover well fast. Those who've had this experience or are experiencing confinement know just how badly we want to get back to our normal bodies ASAP because there's just too much restrictions for us as long as we've yet to recover. So, here I'd like to share some suitable diets to hasten & assist a recovery. For those trying for a baby do take care of your diet before & during pregnancy. A healthy diet then will be beneficial at alter times. Trust me. I've been through a healthy diet regime at one pregnancy, and a fad diet on another, and believe me being a healthy pregger feels way better than living on junk food. Dear ladies, do remember this diet is for health purposes and when you are healthy you will get that shape back, health first, weight i...