Avocado Health Benefits
Salam. Here we meet again, after a short pause after my last entry. (^_^) . Anyway, let's move on with today's topic. Avocado health benefits. Why did I decide to write up on avocado? Well, i just tried this greatly delicious avocado smoothie yesterday, I had to go on a research for it's benefits...just so that I'll have concrete reasons to have it more often.hehe. Avocado health benefits 1. Anti-cancer - Rich in antioxidants & anti-inflammatory components which in the other hand in low quantities are related to the formation of cancer. Antioxidants are known to retard the activity of cancer cells and prevents premature ageing. Also containing glutathione which helps to boost immunity. 2. Anti-inflammatory benefits - As mentioned above. Avocados are rich in anti-inflammatory components, namely flavonoids & polyphenols which are beneficial in inflammatory diseases such as osteoarthritis and rheumatism, soothes inflamed mucous membranes and improves the heal...