
Showing posts from January, 2012

Dealing with Morning Sickness

You're pregnant. Alhamdulillah .Great news. Congratulations!  However,the joy of conceiving is sometimes blunted by the existence of morning sickness. Don't be fooled by it's name, it may only be felt in the morning, or be at it's worst in the morning but for some it does linger through out the day, so expect this. An empty stomach could be a possible cause for a worsen morning sickness in the morning. My personal experience, delaying breakfast does makes things worse. Due to hormonal, physical & other changes occurring in the body, most pregnant women experience some discomfort. It varies in each individual. Some may not even feel a pinch, some may have a slight headache, and some may even vomit for days with an on going nausea. This usually goes on about 3-4months after conceiving, but there are some cases that lasts for the whole 9 months of pregnancy. Tiring, I bet. Not to worry though, there are some few useful tips you can try to make yourself fell bette

What is Hydrogenated Fat? It's danger & Where can you find them...

Heard of this? Well, in today's world I bet every one of us had had an encounter with this term. Hydrogenated fat. As simple as it's name is, it means fat that is hydrogenated. Also known as Trans fat. Whatever it is called, it isn't doing any any good to your body. To produce it , hydrogen molecules are pumped into the fat(veggie oil).I won't go detail into it's chemistry and such, let's just keep it simple. When hydrogen and a high temperature forced upon oil (liquid form, that is) with a possibly presence of a catalyst (platinum/nickel) , a product is produced, from liquid it is now a solid material, however it is no longer a natural thing. It is no longer a natural fat.It is now a trans fat, trans fatty acid. And as we all know trans fat are bad fats.They are plastic fats, plastic, i repeat. Unknown to the body's digestive system and is hardly digested. Imagine that! Let's look into why these fats are pumped with hydrogen in the first place. For