A Calling for Collagen

Who needs collagen? Collagen is often associated with beauty and anti aging products. It brings us more than just shedding off wrinkles and enhancing beauty. Let's get deeper into what collagen has to offer.
Collagen exists naturally in our body,providing support and protection to body tissues and is actively involved in many physiological and biological processes, including beauty enhancement and anti aging effects.
Furthermore it participates actively in cellular migration,division,proliferation and is closely related to fetus's development, tissue healing,subdue tumor growth,strengthening immunity, a remedy for arthritis and rheumatism.
Wait! There's more, do read on..Here are some major cotributions of collagen;-
  • Forms the inter-cellular bond,protecting and binds cells in place while catering them with nutrients and oxygen.
  • Used as building  blocks for repairing and rejuvenating the skin,internal organs ans the skeletal system.
  • Enhancing water and calcium retention in cells and tissues, as well as retaining moisture and skin's elasticity.
The one flaw is as we grow older, our collagen supply starts to diminish. Starting at the age of 25, it is gradually lost. Ironically, as our age advances so is our collagen needs. How do we deal with this situation? We have to take an external source obviously. But with the market flooded with various collagen-based products, how do we choose wisely? Let me offer you an option.

VitaKing - The ultimate collagen replenisher

Don't waste time or energy searching the stores when I've the perfect collagen source right here. What makes the Vitaking unique is it a patented hydrolyzed collagen. Unlike the usual collagen, the hydrolyzed edition is absorbed instantly with significant health benefits. It feeds the joints with food for the cartilage effectively and improves osteoporosis by discouraging the drainage of bone mass and subdue the increase of bone porosity.
Also, it heals wound internally, heals chronic gastritis and gut ulcer,relieving kidney dysfunction, enhances functions of white blood cells,red blood cells and platelets. And what is yearned by many, it's capability of preserving the skin's radiance and youthfulness. Suitable for all ages.

Whats more does this amazing product has to offer? ;-
  • Lemon verbena, an antioxidant and a natural anti inflammatory agent, helpful against arthritis and various inflammation inside the body.
  • Bioenergy ribose, a carbohydrate which boosts energy level in muscles and heart, prevents heart attack(is due to depleted cardiac energy) and rebuild cellular pool energy.
  • Inulin,a water soluble fiber, increasing the good bacteria in our colon and improves pH level in the colon.
It's boring when there's product info's without any testimonies, so here's who have tried Vitaking and gained desired results;-

Mr. Khoo Teng Yuen.
I had suffered from arthritis since 10 years ago,as a result I had difficulty clenching my fists. Apart from swollen joints in my fingers, I experienced pain in knee joints whenever I climbed up or down the stairs. At the same time I could not sit on a chair that's too high or too low,or else I'll have problems to stand up.Squatting and getting back up again is a problem too.I lost the ability to jump.
I began consuming Vitaking every morning.10 days later I went to meet a friend of mine. Without knowing that I was taking Vitakingm he complimented that I was walking better than before. During an outing, I alighted from the car as it was raining,dashing out to take shelter in the nearest building. I realized I've regained much of my mobility.After 2 weeks of continued consumption, I was able to squat down and stand back up easily, without the need to hold onto something for support. Today,though I still occasionally experience some pain when standing up from a sedentary posture,but the condition has improved significantly and I'm able to raise my hands higher than in the past. Currently I stick to the regiment of consuming 1 sachet of vitaking in the morning and another in the afternoon. I no longer rely on the handrail while going up and down the stairs.


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