The great mushroom discovery

Have you heard of lingzhi? Also known as reishi, it's a well known tonic among Chinese health practitioners as it promotes various health benefits to the human's body.
There are six types of lingzhi that are found in the world, they are categorized into 6 colors; red, green, purple, yellow, white and black. Each type has different purposes towards the body. A Taiwan company, namely Shuang Hor Group has done research on these lingzhis and has successfully combined all 6 types becoming a new patented lingzhi, thus it has all benefits from all lingzhi, making it a superior herb for the body wholly. The uniqueness of this lingzhi is its safe for all, including pregnant mothers and babies. More over it's a health food, it heals and repairs with no adverse effects.  No matter how much its cosumed.
Lingzhi is also capable of promoting new healthy cells including liver cells and stengthens the immune system. More of  lingzhis goodness:-
  1. Offers detoxification and cellular cleansing.
  2. Eliminate harmful substances and reduce side effect of drugs.
  3. Capable of preventing an onset of disease while being effective in treating an illness.
  4. Multifunctional, cures yet it also preserve health and normalizing systems in the body.
  5. Dual- regulating, It balances the homeostasis state. Example; It increases / decreases blood pressure to a normal measurement.
  6. Regulates the immune cells, for if the cells are too active it may attack the host and if they're too weak, invaders will have an easy entry inside the body.
  7. Unlimited dosage, eat as you like, there's no harm. In fact, the more the better.
For more information on lingzhi, checkout


    sarapalmer said…
    I just love mushrooms especially the most beneficial ones. I read about it before that it prevents cancers and there are studies reveal that it can also helps stop cancer cell propagation.

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