Vitamin B5 (Panthothenic acid) and Pomegranate Wonders

As far as my knowledge takes me, I'm not aware if a vitamin B4 is in existence. So, getting back on track, I bring you Vitamin B5, a.k.a. panthothenic acid.
Firstly I'd like to feature Miss Pomegranate. Hehe. What pomegranate has to do with this article? It's one of nature's wonders that contains high levels of Vitamin B5 and I fell in love with it I had no choice but to babble about it. It's sweet aroma, it's captivating taste, ah! What a lovely fruit. Okay, that's it. Apart from Vitamin B5,this exquisite fruit also contains high fiber, copper , vitamin C & Vitamin K.
Let's move on with the health benefits of Vitamin B5:-
  • Stimulates adrenal glands, insufficiency causes exhaustion of the glands.
  • Increases production of cortison.
  • Maintains nervous system development & manages stress. Having a low on Vitamin B5 may lead to depression, sleeping problems(insomnia),fatigue,skin disorders and mood swings.
  • Increase vitality.
  • Helps bulk up muscles for athletes.
  • Maintains a normal growth.
  • Prevents premature aging.
  • Essential in managing a healthy cholesterol level.
  • For generating new healthy red blood cells.
Okay,we all now know that we can get our Vitamin B5 from pomegranates.Where else can we get it? Read on..
  • YK Bee Pollen.
  • Royal jelly and honey.
  • Whole grain bread and cereals.
  • Peas.
  • Crude molasses.
  • Wheat germ/bran.
  • Green Veggies.
  • Peanuts.
  • Egg yolk.
Take it easy on the eggs..


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