Biotin,choline & inositol - Raps up on the B complex.

Here's a recap on Vitamin B Complex. The vitamin B complex group consists of essential water-soluble B group of vitamins, including vitamin B1(thiamine), vitamin B2(riboflavin),vitamin B3(niacin),vitamin B5(pantothenic acid),vitamin B6(pyridoxine),vitamin B9(folic acid), vitamin B12(cobalamins),inositol, choline and biotin.
Today, biotin, choline & inositol will be in the spotlight.

Biotin(a.k.a. vitamin B7)
  • Just like the other B group vitamins, biotin plays a role in fat,carbohydrates & protein metabolism.
  • It is essential for healthy hair growth and prevents hair loss.
  • It is also used as an antiseptic as well as in the treatment for malaria.
  • Deficiencies may result in hair loss, scaly skin, cracking in corners of the mouth,dry eyes, fatigue, loss of appetite, depression and insomnia.
  • Plays a big role fat metabolism, signal transmission within cells & involved in the production of  acetylcholine,a major neurotransmitter.
  • Boosts immune system.
  • Accelerates healing & growth processes in tissues,joints,glands and organs.
  • Prevents nervous system diseases, example; Alzheimer's & Huntington's disease.
Deficiency may cause liver damage,elevated bloop pressure, high blood cholesterol levels & fatty liver.
Choline can be found in;-
  • Lecithin-rich foods; soy products.
  • Wheat.
  • Green leafy veggies, cabbage & cauliflower.
  • Lentils,peanuts & ًlegumes.
  • Wholegrain cereals.
  • Chickpeas.
  • Milk.
 Inositol(phytic acid a.k.a. vitamin B8)
  • Helps in lowering cholesterol levels.
  • Promotes healthy growth for skin & hair,
  • Prevents eczema.
  • Increase effectiveness of vitamin E & choline.
  • Combines with choline to produce lecithin, needed to produce healthy cells membranes.
  • Prevents hardening of arteries.
  • Calms the nervous system, used in treatment of depression, panic attacks & Alzheimer's.

Where can inositol be found?;-
  • Citrus fruits.
  • Nuts,oats,rice & beans.
  • Chickpeas.
  • Liver.
  • Wholegrain.
  • Lecithin granules and wheatgerm.


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I've been looking for this info for a long time, thanks for your work.
Mak anak tiga said…
@Anon: Welcome..nothing much I can offer about this topic though, just a brief.. I'm happy if you find it useful~~ Thanks =)
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