Try this simple recipe: Avocado fruit salad

As my previous post was on avocado, a memory suddenly came back to me, haha it just a recipe of avocado salad, nothing much really, but if you're not in the mood for rice or bread this evening, this might just be the kind of thing you should go for.

Okay, cease the talking, let's get into action.

  • 1 Avocado, cubed
  • 1 Mango, cubed
  • 1 red apple, cubed
  • 1 banana, cubed
  • 1 kiwi, cubed
  • A quarter of red cabbage, thinly sliced
  • A quarter of ordinary cabbage, thinly sliced
  • A handful of grapes(your choice)
  • Mayonnaise (enough to cover the lot)
  • A bit of salt and brown sugar
  • A dash of apple cider vinegar


Just throw everything in a bowl, mix them up and tadaa, eating time! Hehe..this is not laziness, this is healthy with the many fruits involved. So, try it out will you? Till we meet again, bon apetit and good evening to all. Salam.


... said…
this is your recipe so you must've tried it too! and you love it? btw, I love avocado! I'm going to try this out definitely! thanks for sharing such a healthy and simple salad recipe~~


Mak anak tiga said…
@Liana: missed u!
hehe tried it but not frequent enough~when mixed with all of those fruits and dressing it's great..hehe I don't fancy avocado much when it's solo~
So yummy and healthy. I have not tried putting avocado in a salad.


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