VCare Foaming Dew: Product review

I mentioned this wonderful product before, you can check out about it in this article....>

Anyway, I'll explain about it once more, here, in this current post I'm writing.
This specially formulated facial cleanser is awesome! As I've been using it for the past few weeks, and honestly I'm satisfied with the outcome. My skin does feel smoother, softer and pimples? they're saying ta-ta. Waiting for more great results from this Vcare foaming dew.

My first wash was already so mesmerizing, the scent of the VCare foaming dew drifts me off my feet, it smells sooo good! no kidding. (As Anthony Bourdain would put it: "I wish we have smell-O-vision to share the smells..haha, but he was talking about food, what else would he talk about..)  And you don't have to use too much of it, just a tiny squeeze of it, mix with water to expand it's mass and just do the cleansing stuff on your neck and face, believe me, the smell, exquisitely relaxing-had to go italic there.

Okay, here we go again with the ingredients:-
  • 8 Types of amino acid->Acts as natural moisture retention agents which are capable of softening aged cutin, locks in more moisture and improves skin's texture and smoothness. (Very true indeed!)
  • Aloe vera extract->When it says 'extract', it does mean rich and full of goodness. Aloe vera is known to cure skin problems, and in this case it alleviates akin allergies, reduce inflammation and chase away looming pimples.
  • Licorice extract-> Note the 'extracted' component once again. Licorice helps to reduce inflammation (remarkably, that is), brightens up the skin naturally and treats skin allergies.
  • Chamomile extract->Soothes allergic skin condition and subdue acne formation.

The ingredients does justice to our facial health and it improves the skin's condition, one more characteristic that pulls me towards a consistent use is that it contains all natural, harmless stuff, so don't worry about chemicals and such, it's what cleans up the debris, dirt and whatever that's stuck on your face thoroughly without leaving dangerous man-made synthetic ingredients in your pores.

Love your skin, remember, the facial skin is one of the most sensitive part of your body, you cannot treat it roughly and please don't go scrub it like you would the floor, because the skin won't tolerate it, going too far and too hard in cleansing the face might cause allergic reactions or bring about skin sensitivity. Wash it wisely.

So, my advice? Give the Vcare foaming dew go and you'll be loving it just as I am now. It's worth a deal.

That's all for this morning, my email inbox is in the need for attention..have a great day & salam.


what's the different between foaming dew and normal facial wash?

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