Coffee For Headaches

When you're head is pounding really bad and you don't want to go for the drug cabinet( or you already have and no improvement is felt), why not go for a cup of coffee? Never thought of it? I recommend it!
Coffee is now popularly advertised as a health drink. How true can the claims be? Well, some are reliable, however beware of frauds, they see this opportunity to con people with their so-called healthy coffee.
If you get the right kind of coffee, health benefits are gained, landing your hands on the wrong ones and you get more than just a waste of money, it may be dangerous. A friend of mine once told me about his uncle who was given a 'health coffee' that costs a ridiculous pricing, and just after a cup of it, sent him to the hospital bed. He fainted after that cup of coffee, and swore to never again drink coffee with health claims. Well, his bad luck made him look at any  types of coffee nastily, but he was always an avid coffee drinker,so he just went back drinking was he was used to.

Coffee may cause an addiction, due to it's caffeine content, but thanks to that caffeine for it also possess health attributions. And having coffee daily with the recommended guidelines proves that it could be classified as a healthy beverage. 
You can check out loads of coffee benefits here---> the coffee detective site.

Back to coffee and headaches. I used to have a lot of unexplained headaches, and pills didn't work much on them. Enduring those headaches were troublesome, no work can be done, nothing. They consumed my days and it truly wasn't enjoyable. I bet headaches and migraine sufferers would agree on this one. My headaches were consistent, they appear in the mornings and when I go into air-conditioned areas, shopping malls have become a dreadful outing.

So, finally I was introduced to this coffee, the CEO Cafe(with ganoderma extracts), I've posted on this a few times before (-->Coffee & caffeines,of coffee's goodness) , because I totally love the great coffee taste (I was never a coffee drinker before) and it's ummph aroma. True enough it's taste is authentic, since it comes from the real Arabian coffee beans, with no other additives. It's taste matches up to the taste of starbucks coffee I tell you, but it's way cheaper.It comes in two packaging, with and without sugar.

Caffeine activates the central nervous system, in a good way, improves mental alertness and prevents Alzheimer's. This may be why it does have a tendency in curing headaches. Headaches can be caused by stress, tensioned nerves, chemicals, constipation , blood circulatory disorders and much more possibilities.

Following the guidelines given, that is to take no more than 300mg of caffeine daily (equals to three cups/day), I took one cup of CEO cafe in the morning, one in the afternoon/evening and one at night (don't worry, it doesn't give you sleeping disorders, it may actually cure insomnia). Before taking the CEO cafe, I had some other minor problems,considered personal, let's just focus on the headache.

A week passed by and I started to wake up headache-free! I was feeling uplifted. It felt so good, to wake up in the morning without a headache and my whole body felt as light as a feather, getting up felt much easier with a little bit of glee. Being healthy does makes you happier, less grumpier and life becomes a breeze.

This article is to highlight on this particular coffee as I really have no knowledge of other coffees available in the market, especially the ones comes premixed with all sort of stuff. I tried another kind of coffee (I won't mention the name though...) which gave me a big humongous bang up my head for the whole day. In this case, I am suggesting the CEO cafe for headaches and that's that. period.

If any of you are interested, just drop me an email at as this coffee is no where to be found in the stores near you. Have a nice day & Jazakallah for the read.


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