Sunnah of Fasting

Assalamualaikum all..It's a wonderful morning of this wonderful month of Ramadhan.
I apologize for leaving this blog idle lately. Suddenly I got myself a busy schedule, hence the scarce of time for new posts. Anyway, getting back with the topic of sunnah of fasting.


Sahoor is the time before fajr when we take our meal (pre-dawn/late night), but it's better to take is as late as possible. As delaying sahoor is part of the sunnah."The people will remain on the right path as long as they hasten the Iftar (breaking the fast) and delay taking Suhoor".[1]
Sahoor is a blessing from Allah SWT. A companion of The Prophet said,"I entered upon Rasulullah SAW and he was taking sahoor, and he said to me, "it is a blessing Allah SWT has given you, so do not leave it" [2]
Even by drinking just a glass of water is sufficient, as it still falls under obeying the sunnah.[3]
Not only it comes wit blessing, but sahoor also benefits physical health and provides the body with essential nutrients and nourishment to help us sustain ourselves through out the day.

Break fast before the maghrib prayer- The Prophet (Pbuh) used to break fast before he did performed te maghrib prayer[4].

Best food to be taken at sahoor-dates.The Prophet said,  "How excellent dates are as a sahoor for the believers"[5].

Hastening the iftar- The Prophet (Pbuh) said, "My Ummah (nation) will not cease to be upon my Sunnah as long as they do not await the stars when breaking the fast"[6]. He also said, "The Deen will not cease to be uppermost as long as the people hasten to break the fast, since the Jews and the Christians delay it"[7]

Foods recommended at iftar-The Prophet (Pbuh) used to break fast with fresh dates, if he could find any he would eat dried dates, if couldn't find any of those either he'd go for a glass of water before praying[8].

Virtues of du'a at the time of iftar-The Messenger of Allah (SAW) said extolling the time of Iftar for supplication,Indeed, the fasting person has at the time of breaking the fast, a supplication that is not rejected[9].One should supplicate to Allah hoping that it will be answered, and knowing that Allah does not respond to a heedless and inattentive heart.

Thank you for reading this brief article..Have a wonderful ramadhan (^_^)
[1]Saheeh Abu Dawood
[2](Saheeh) Ahmad (5/270) and An-Nisa'ee (4/145)
[3](Saheeh Muslim) The sunnah is to have sahoor in order to differentiate between believers and people of the book.
[5]Saheeh Abu Dawood. 
[6]Saheeh Bukhari and Muslim.
[7]Hasan , Abu Dawood and Ibn Hibban
[8]Saheeh Muslim
[9]Ibn Majah and Al-Hakim.


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