VCO | Virgin Coconut Oil

It's a wonderful Sunday morning and I'm excited to share about virgin coconut oil or as it is called VCO.

It's been a while since I heard about its benefit, yet I haven't had the chance to give it a try. Guess what? I just got myself a bottle of this wonderful VCO, can't wait to give it a go, sweet smelling and crystal clear, it looks way better than the conventional cooking oil.

Okay, so in this article I'm just going to share some of its marvelous benefits. The reason why I'm starting on it is really because I'm trying to resolve some health-related issues. Hopefully it helps, InshaaAllah. If it does, I'll be gladly to write-up a testimony about it.

Wait, what is this VCO exactly? What makes it special compared to other oils? Let me explain briefly from my point of view.

Virgin coconut oil is extracted (cold-pressed) from a matured coconut, this means no processing with heat, as heat converts oil into a unhealthy substance. This process is also free from refining, bleaching and deodorizing, thus making its produce a well-protected and preserved, with all it's essential values attached.

VCO contains medium chain fatty acids (saturated fats) , which are less harmful and much easier for metabolism in the human body compared to long chain fatty acids which are present in normal cooking oils.


  1. ANTIOXIDANT - the all-time favorite factor, protecting and preserving youthfulness of our body cells.
  2. ANTI - bacterial and ANTI - virus. Spread over your wound as a disinfectant and to enhance healing process. Also have a gulp for coughs and flu, this might just work. *Currently I'm taking it for flu and an ear infection*
  3. HAIR CARE - Bad hair day? Use VCO as a conditioner to strengthen hair structure as well as leaving your scalp dandruff free.
  4. SKIN CARE -Ladies, you going to love this. A natural moisturizer for your skin, improves elasticity, and decrease wrinkles. It also works for skin problems - dermatitis, psoriasis, itchiness, eczema & inflammation related conditions, try VCO as your chemical free lotion and see the difference.
  5. HEART HEALTH - Thanks to its 50% of lauric acid, VCO does wonders to the cardiovascular system. Consume it for a lower level of cholesterol in your blood, also a prevention of atherosclerosis. 
  6. WEIGHT LOSS - As I have mentioned before , it contains easily digested medium-chain fatty acids, which are taken out of the body smoothly and does not build up in our system, apart from that it also increases metabolism to improve digestion and elimination, this may be the reason it is helpful in reducing body fat.
  7. INCREASING IMMUNITY - It's anti bacterial / anti viral / anti fungal properties are awesomely a great help to ward off not only infections but also to assist healing. From coughs, to wound infections, to urinary tract infections, to measles and herpes. I bet there is more, yet to be discovered.
  8. DIGESTIVE PROBLEMS - Beneficial for Irritable bowel syndrome, constipation and indigestion.
If you ave none of the problems above, VCO is simply great for wellness, have a spoon or two daily to preserve your health.

Thank you for reading, I'm going to have some VCO ASAP! 


Anonymous said…
Great article, i like it

Blogger said…
This is how my associate Wesley Virgin's biography begins with this SHOCKING and controversial VIDEO.

As a matter of fact, Wesley was in the military-and soon after leaving-he found hidden, "MIND CONTROL" secrets that the government and others used to get everything they want.

THESE are the exact same methods many celebrities (notably those who "became famous out of nowhere") and top business people used to become wealthy and successful.

You probably know how you use only 10% of your brain.

Really, that's because most of your brain's power is UNCONSCIOUS.

Maybe this expression has even occurred INSIDE your very own mind... as it did in my good friend Wesley Virgin's mind seven years back, while driving an unregistered, beat-up bucket of a car without a driver's license and $3 in his bank account.

"I'm very frustrated with going through life check to check! Why can't I turn myself successful?"

You've been a part of those those types of thoughts, ain't it right?

Your very own success story is waiting to happen. You need to start believing in YOURSELF.


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