Olive oil for skin health

Assalamualaikum :) I apologize for not being active with blogging lately. But i do still love to write,
when I have some bit of time I'll hook up in here..

Today , I'd like to share my very own experience with olive oil.
Olive oil is known for it's health boosting benefits, yes we all know but it's exciting when we experience it ourselves. Well at least I'm excited about it heh :)

The truth is, I've been using olive oil on various body parts. But I like to share about it one topic at a time :) inshaAllah easier for readers comprehension.

Most of us ladies, I assume have some sort of daily regime for facial care. As for me , I don't have any except for normal cleansing using facial cleanser. That is it. Seriously.
Recently a friend of mine recommended a night cream she is happy with (probably my face looks deprived of nutrition, ha..) , Okay so I thought why not just give it a try, I did have flaws anyway. So I did. Using this particular brand of night cream (I'm not sharing it's brand as I've yet to achieve desired results, its been 3-4 months now) I noticed it contained Vitamin E. Suddenly I had this idea, olive oil contains vitamin E as well, and being in its natural form logically it's much healthier, safer & free of any unwanted additives.

Vitamin E as I recall, is a fat soluble acid & is found in well, fat & oils.

So what I did was instead of the night cream I was using , I substitute my night treatment with olive oil. Less than a week I can feel the difference. My skin feels so much softer & moisturized. I even apply olive oil as my day cream, don't worry it does not make your face looks oily, depending on skin types maybe? You have to try it for yourself to find out this.

NEXT EXPERIMENT : Using olive oil as body lotion ? hmm...

Okay , that's it for tonight. I almost forgot how to blog. Sigh... hope I'll have more time to do what I love most. Reading & sharing.

Take care & Assalamualaikum.


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