Silent but deadly - Constipation

Assalamualaikum :) 
Finally! Making a comeback after many years of hiatus. 

Recently, I found out that constipation is a common occurrence among many of us including children. 
However it is rarely discussed or given the attention it deserves. Today, let's talk about this. 

Left untreated, constipation could be the root cause of many diseases. 

How? When our bowels are slow, it delays the elimination of stool/faeces ( poop ) - this may lead to accumulation of faeces in out colon. As time goes by, the faeces dump will only gets bigger ( unless the issue has been addressed and solved )

Imagine having a huge pile of poop in our colon, understand that it doesn't just lay there being innocent not releasing any substances - it is not innocent and it releases health threatening stuff back into our system. 

Trapped faeces does release toxins, next it encourages the growth of bad bacteria in our colon and trigger inflammation. It does not end there, this is just the beginning to many more health related issues. What most people don't realize is, the toxins release by these trapped faces sometimes is absorbed back into our body system and causes chaos.

Here are some signs we are suffering from constipation : 
1) Less bowel movement 
2) Feeling of difficulty / painful in passing stool 
3) Faeces are hard and nut-shaped ( The ideal stool is  usually not in tiny hard lumps, not watery and easy to pass )
4) Bloating
5) Facial inflammation ( Pimples ) and skin itchiness 

Complications from long term constipation : 
i) Swollen veins in rectum ( hemorrhoids ) 
ii) Anal fissure 
iii) Infection & inflammation in the colon from trapped stool - leads to release of gas/toxins which could travel into our bloodstream, one of the possible causes for headache, bloating and food intolerance. 
iv) Diverticulitis 
v) Damage to pelvic muscles - may cause urine to leak ( stress urinary incontinence ) 
vi) Causing unstable emotions & mental disturbance ( Connection of gut-brain axis )
vii) Our immune system depends on a healthy gastrointestinal to function well and stable,
not only keeping viruses at bay but also maintaining the well being of our whole bodily systems.  

Pay attention to our body, once we realize our bowels are slowing down or  our stools getting stubborn to be pushed out don't wait for things to get worse.
Our health is at risk! 

+ Start with drinking more fluids ( best choice is plain water for healing purposes ) 
+ Cut white sugar & gluten from your diet 
+ Manage your diet - more fruits, more veggies, less processed food, less synthetic produce. 
+ Exercise. Try a minimum of 30 minutes brisk walk 3 times per week if you are unable to do this as a daily routine. 
+ Take prebiotics & probiotics ( but make sure no sugar is added. Sugar is a murderer to our good bacteria - pointless to take probiotic that contains sugar.
The probiotics are probably lifeless ) 

Trust me - get rid of constipation and you will feel better not only physically but also mentally.
InshaAllah :)

Thank you for reading. 


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