Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine)- Another Member of the Vitamin B Complex Community

I'll go on with the topic on vitamins, next in line is Vitamin B6.Firstly, I'd like to correct a mistake I've made. Vitamin B Complex is vital for our well-being and Vitamin B6 is a part of the Vitamin B Complex family.
Apologies, as I failed to mention about Vitamin B Complex in precise explanation, it must have slipped off my mind. However I'll cover on that matter briefly here.
Okay, the members of the Vitamin B Complex family are :- Vitamin B1, Vitamin B2, Vitamin B3, Vitamin B5, Vitamin B6, Vitamin B9, Vitamin B12 and vitamins Biotin, Choline and Inositol.I've written on the first four, I'll cover on Vitamin B6 in this article and I'll follow up soon on the last five.Okay,let's get moving then,shall we?
Similar to the other B vitamins, Vitamin B6 too aids in food assimilation,as well as assisting protein and carbohydrate metabolism.
What more is it needed for?
  • Relieving allergy due to cosmetics.
  • Activates enzyme & its systems.
  • Vital for the production of antibodies.
  • Synthesis RNA & DNA.
  • For a healthy functioning nervous system.Preventing carpal-tunnel syndrome and Parkinson's.
  • For a normal reproduction processes & pregnancy.
  • Prevents skin allergies and disorders,including teenage acne-breakout.
  • Offers protection against heart disease,diabetes and elevated cholesterol.
  • Prevents tooth decay.
  • Prevents epilepsy and puts depression at ease.
  • Prevents and relieves premenstrual edema.
  • Acts as a natural diuretic.
  • Required for the absorption of vitamin B12 and in the production of Hydrochloric acid.
  • Relieves nausea and morning-sickness symptoms.
  • Prevents rheumatoid arthritis.

Source for Vitamin B6?:- 

Last words, thanks for reading.


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