We're lucky. We live in a place where it's abundant with what we need ; food, air, water... Lets rediscover some of natures most highly nutritious food that has little exposure to the world, yet they are packed with vitamins, minerals, fiber, antioxidants, protein and maybe just about everything we need to stay strong and healthy. Let's start with one of my favorites ; DATES Dates are fruits of the desert. They are moist and sweet. They may vary from different sizes and colors yet they all have significant values for our health. They are highly nutritious, containing readily absorbed glucose thus providing instant energy in state of exhaustion. For mummies during and after labor , dates make a perfect energy provider. Other than that it strengthens the heart as well as the liver, relaxes the bowels due to its high fiber content and increase semen production. Take it for breakfast to give you a kick start for the day. It also strengthens the memory and boosts menta...