
Showing posts from December, 2010


We're lucky. We live in a place where it's abundant with what we need ; food, air, water... Lets rediscover some of natures most highly nutritious food that has little exposure to the world, yet they are packed with vitamins, minerals, fiber, antioxidants, protein and maybe just about everything we need to stay strong and healthy. Let's start with one of my favorites ; DATES Dates are fruits of the desert. They are moist and sweet.  They may vary from different sizes and colors yet they all have significant values for our health. They are highly nutritious, containing readily absorbed glucose thus providing instant energy in state of exhaustion. For mummies during and after labor , dates make a perfect energy provider. Other than that it strengthens the heart as well as the liver, relaxes the bowels due to its high fiber content and increase semen production. Take it for breakfast to give you a kick start for the day. It also strengthens the memory and boosts menta

Understanding the human body

Do you know what's happening inside and outside of your body? We are a complex organism and the tasks performed by our organs and body systems are not simple. When we abuse our body with pollutions of all sorts we burden our systems, in the long run the body can no longer cope and eventually it'll collapse. Do you want to feel guilty over your system's breakdown? NO! So lets take a step towards a healthier us. We breathe, drink and eat. Everything goes inside.. Yes they enter, absorbed, and they go out again, elimination of the byproducts, through the elimination channels : 1-lungs     (exhale carbon dioxide)                                                                                              2-kidneys (regulates blood pH and removes toxic waste through urination)                                                                                               3-liver      (purifies blood, breakdown fat,dissemble toxin and does a lot more for us)                

Am i healthy?

How do you know if your body is functioning the way it should be? Well, it's subjective. But we probably do have an idea if we're fine when we do feel fine and vice versa. Whatever I've scribbled here are mostly from articles and books, or from a prior experience. No worries, the information's are reliable, trust me. I always though that being young ( when i was a teenager) meant i could eat whatever i liked, slept at all the wrong times and exercise? not a chance. Even though we were taught in school about keeping fit and so, it never got through me. Did it got through you? In my early 20's i started to feel the fading vitality i once had, EARLY 20'S? Yup, i had a horrible diet of chocolates and gassy beverages, not to mention the other junks I've been living on with many sleepless nights. The toll was after me. It's an agony just to get up in the morning, my whole body ached as i moved my limbs. I knew something's wrong, my system was probably j

Little things that matters

Firstly, please do appreciate what you have or what God has gifted you with. Can you imagine living with impaired vision or amputated limbs? What would happen if our nervous system met a breakdown? We don't know what will happen next in our lives, therefore we should live every moment of it with ease. An illness may seem minor yet it could be fatal. Avoid these situations, preserve health now. It's better to start off  young, when you're still strong and chronic diseases have yet not developed, we hope...Prevention is better than cure, if you find the cure that is.. Next, try to keep everything in balance. Focusing on just one aspect is totally not the way to achieve total wellness. It's a mix of physical activity, stabled emotions,a healthy diet, serenity, merriment and maybe a whole lot more yet to be discovered. No need to rush it, slow and steady is always the winner.

Health is in

Its doubtful whether health will ever be a hot topic around, whatever it is we should realize the importance of a good health. Most of us have the knowledge on being healthy, we're just lacking of practical. So, reading is a great start, next take gradual steps towards a better health. And a better you.