Food for the Brain

Brain is one of the most vital organs in our body, if it's function is impaired, many other organs will be affected and if it's cells start to die, it's harder to regenerate, unlike the cells in other parts of our body. This is why it's important that we care for our brain's health as early as possible, to preserve it's youthfulness and to prevent brain-related disorders from succumbing us at age we could still flourish.
One of the steps to keep our brain healthy is by consumption. So, my share for today will be on foods for a healthy, nourished and active brain.

Brain Foods I recommend
  • Oily Fish(sardines, tuna, herring, salmon)->>Known for ages as a brain food.Contains Vitamin D, omega 3 fatty acids and DHA(type of omega 3) that benefits brain health, improves memory, healthy skin , healthy heart and for children's mental development.
  • Nuts & Seeds->>Also contains essential fatty acids for brain development and function. High in protein, Vitamin E and B6. It is said that some nuts can improve memory, stabilize mood, relieve insomnia and retards aging. Click here to read nutty nuts..>
  • Dates & raisins->>Two of the best dried fruit choices to add into your diet. Goes well with bakeries, muffins, muesli, oats and cereal. I just love them and so should you. Here's why! Rich in fiber, vitamins and minerals, these dried fruits helps to improve memory, enhance learning skills and maintains an overall healthy nervous system. They also help to ease bowel movements, prevents eye impairment, sexual dysfunction, improves blood constitution and gives a boost of instant energy.
  • Avocado & blueberries->>Reduces the risk for Alzheimer's, dementia, enhance learning skills, maintains a healthy blood pressure and improves blood flow to the brain. Avocado also contains omega 3 fatty acids which plays a role in brain health.
  • Broccoli & tomato->>Broccoli is said to assist brain cell's healing processes. High in calcium, vitamins and minerals, making it one of the best choice to boost brain health. Lycopene found in tomato is an antioxidant which is associated with warding off free radical's damage that may cause brain-related deterioration.
Some other foods that are related to brain health are chocolates(big smiles?), blackcurrants, wholegrain products, pumpkin seed, flaxseed, sage, green tea, and bananas.

I'll end this brief article here.Hope it benefits you. Thanks for reading!


Cooking Rookie said…
Great list! Short, inspirational and to the point. Thanks for the article :-)
... said…

all those are ana's favourites.. bagusnya.. =)
aeshcame said…
@cooking Rookie: you're welcome, this is just the tip of the iceberg..

@Liana: Hehe Alhamdulillah.. mkn2 selalu yeh..
Great info, Try olive oil and fish oil capsules too, they are wonderful for brain health.
Mak anak tiga said…
@Weebs@Wellnessinfo: Thank you for the add up. I'm always missing something out.
Prince said…
thnx for da info...thumb up for ur blog...:)
Thanks for this post, I really need it at the moment for my exams!
aeshcame said…
@Prince:Welcome,do come again..=)

@XinMei@Pudding Pie Lane:Welcome..hehe it's nothing much really, i bet you could find more info from the web..hehe

Appreciation to all for the commentators, you guys cheer up the atmosphere here..
Thanks so much for sharing this with us. Fascinating. I had no idea about the dates (great excuse to eat more - I adore them!) and who would have thought about sage. Just posted about sage on my blog and wish I knew what you've posted here. Will have to print this out for end of term tests for the kids!
Mak anak tiga said…
@Jill@madaboutMacarons: Welcome! I just found out myself(the dates), I love them so I researched it's values, sage are great, I will have to check your site for the info. Thanks for the drop by! =)
Aamer said…
Great article to read,..
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HMB said…
i should start giving these to my son. and also me, better late than never right?

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Mak anak tiga said…
@Aamer; thanks. will check it out.

@HMB: thank you for the invite. appreciate it much.

thanks all for the comments~~
Aamer said…
Its great article to read and get useful information,...
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Michel said…
It is old saying that health is wealth.Take good diet for good brain and health so you could perform best.

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