Health Products

Featured Health Product

Yung Kien Ganoderma
One of my past posts was on the great mushroom discovery. An introduction to a great product discovery, the Yung Kien (YK) Ganoderma or some calls it by the name lingzhi.This is no ordinary supplement, this is a health food.
Health food and supplements are different.How? Health foods are capable of normalizing and repairing your damaged tissues, subsides aggressive inflammations, puts a halt to metastasizing cancer cells, reversing illnesses, InsyaAllah and the best part would be the presence of no side effects, unlike western medication.
The unique factor of this YK Ganoderma is that it is a patented product, it is the only one of it's kind,just like any other R&D products, it is a secret recipe. It's different and much more powerful than other ganoderma products available in the market.
It's 100% free of preservatives, colorings and additives. Best of all it's 100% safe for consumption by any dosage and by anyone, including pregnant women and delicate little babies.
Here I'd like to highlight onthe YK Ganoderma's tremendous chracteristics:-
  1. Contains polysaccharides which is capable of adding strength to the immune system.
  2. Offers detoxification, starting deep down at cellular level, providing through cleansing and a total flush out of toxins.
  3. Reduces side effects of of medications and treatments, e.g. chemotherapy.
  4. Contains triterpenes, acting as an immune system regulator, improves blood flow, cuts down cholesterol levels and peps up on liver's health.
  5. Multifunctional and dual-way regulating. Explanation; since it normalizes the body back to a desired state, it'd will calms down a rising blood pressure down in an individual yet it could also bring up the pressure in a low-pressured individual. It's a health food, whatever condition your body is in it'll bring it back to normal. Whatever diseases you suffer it'll bring your condition back to normal. That is what it does. Bringing everything back to normal, balancing out everything everywhere in the body evenly.
  6. Accreditation ; Capable of producing antibodies, enhancing immune cells functions,regulate T-Cells, enhancing natural Killer cells vitality and revitalizing phagocytes functions. Take a look on my prior entries on Immune system booster to learn more.
  7. In certain dosage, it is able to act as a pain killer and calms down a distressed mind.
  8. Improves conditions in diabetes, heart diseases, stroke sufferers,asthmatic patients, speeds up wound recovery and maintains well-being.
  9. Conclusion: It could be taken in any circumstances and in correct measurements in is effective,preventive and offers more than healing, it's brings our body back to where our health  ought to be, in the pink
The runner up
Jia Hor Ganoderma
This is Jia Hor Ganoderma. This is actually the pioneer product from the Shuang Hor group.However, it comes in second compared to the YK Ganoderma.Why? This JH Ganoderma is just as good as the YK version but 3x less in efficacy. The YK Ganoderma is an upgraded version of JH Ganoderma, hence more of the power.
I won't be elaborating much on this JH Ganderma as it possess mainly the same qualities as the YK itself holds,just as I mentioned 3x less.So in order to match with the YK capabilities,you need to take 3x more in quantity. That's about it.Since it's less super is less expensive in value.

The Healing Aid
Yung Kien Bee Pollen
Okay,here is an example of supplement. The difference between health food and supplements? Health food repairs,cleanses and detoxify our system while supplementation aids and assist by providing the body with essential nutrition, vitamins,minerals,enzymes,amino acids, you name it this YK Bee Pollen has it. It's a complete source of nutrients,look no where else,here's all you need.
This YK Bee Pollen is marvelous and just as safe as the YK and JH Ganoderma.You can find out more here.Here are some health care attributes of the YK Bee Pollen:-
  • Helps prevent the onset of heart diseases and diabetes.
  • Enhance vitality and promotes healthy liver functions.
  • Increase sperm count.
  • Controls body weight.
  • Alleviates constipation,diarrhea and other gastrointestinal disorders.
  • Improves anemic conditions.
  • Softens,whitening and enhances skin's resilience.
  • Retard wrinkles and eliminates brown spots as well as blemishes.
  • Providing enough of essential nutrients for fetal development.
  • Optimizing brain development in kids.
  • Optimizes the effect of YK or JH Ganoderma.(Taken together)
  • Find out more here.
Here are some of Ganoderma-based highly recommended products, all 100% natural,safe and free of side effects.ENJOY!

Vcare Personal Care & Skincare series.

Read more on Vcare Skincare series here. Vcare Personal care info's to be updated in the future.
Jia Hor Protein Powder. Click here for info..>

Vitaking-For healthy joints.Click to read more.
CEO Cafe- the healthier caffeinated choice.

Vcare Personal care series

All items in this personal care series contains extracted ganoderma lucidum, nano-form of lingzi the mushroom which retards premature aging & wards off free radicals, 100x extracted aloe barbadensis which reduce inflamation ease itchiness and extracted algae.All items are 100% safe & natural, no chemical substances what-so-ever. Suitable for all ages & all skin types including sensitive skin. May be used for treatments of external skin problems.

Vcare Refreshing body Gel

  • Contains chamomile extract for smooth skin.
  • Gingko biloba extract which promotes blood flow to the surface of skin.
  • Contains phytoncide that promotes aroma-therapeutic benefits to a stressful mind, stimulates autonomic nervous system and wards off bacteria.
  • With a pH of 5.5 it suits the skins pH level thus resulting in a smooth, supple and refreshed feeling after each shower/bath.

Vcare Moisturizing shampoo
  • Promotes hair growth.
  • Reduce dandruff formation.
  • Contains vitamin E, effectively repair and heals damaged hair roots and replenish moisture.
  • Contains vitamin B15 which is capable of adding strength to hair tissues.
  • Contains Lavender & Rosemary, which produces a sweet aroma while moisturizing at cellular level,promoting hair growth and offers antibacterial purposes.

Vcare Scalpcare shampoo
  • Regulates sebaceous secretions, treating oily hair.
  • Contains green tea extracts which possess antioxidants and anti fungal properties and effectively cease dandruff formation.
  • Contains chamomile, rosemary,sage & nettle. A formulation specially in managing dandruff.
  • Contains menthol that prevents growth of bacteria & dandruff while leaving the scalp refresh after each wash.

 Vcare nourishing hair cream
  • Contains vitamins A,B & E which regulates inner layer of scalp and revitalize hair follicles.
  • Stimulates hair growth.
  • Contains jojoba oil that repairs tresses, improve roughness and prevents split ends formation.
  • Contains vitamin E that retains hair moisture & penetrates into deep layers of skin to heal hair root tissue.
  • Contains vitamin B5 that strengthens the hair.
  • Contains chamomile, Rosemary, Sage & Nettle, a formula for scalp-care and anti-dandruff formulation with powerful deodorant and anti-bacterial abilities, and assists in promoting wellness of the scalp and improves condition of dandruff.
 Vcare facial cleanser
  • Lightens complexion and rejuvenate skin cells.
  • Offers anti wrinkle and anti aging purposes.
  • Contains witch hazel and rose, wards off irritants,eliminates blemishes,soothes and softens the skin.
  • Cleanse the skin mildly while let moisture retains, at the same time repairs damaged tissues.
  • Doesn't aggravate the rise of allergic reactions.

 Vcare hand & body lotion
  • Regulates skin conditions, facilitate softness and retains moisture.
  • Contains jojoba oil,vitamin E & Lavender.
  • Smooths the skin,calms nerves and leaves the skin tender.
  • Contains sunflower extract that offers anti bacterial activities and solves allergic problems such as eczema.
  • Contains cucumber,rich in vitamin C which soothes the skin, moisturize and refine pores.
  • Contains hyaluronic acid whic keeps skin hydrated.

The all-New
Vcare personal care series:

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