Pomegranate Health Benefits
I'm going to pause on the vitamins league for a while, fruity info advertisement in between. Punica granatum, wondering what that is? It's the scientific name for the fruit I'm about to expose you to. Since I mentioned about the wonderful pomegranate in my previous post, I'd like to share just a little bit more on this fruit. I just can't get enough of it.So, I'll write as much as i can so everyone can enjoy it's taste and it's goodness knowing just how magnificent it is. Eat it raw,juice it or turn it into a meal! Here are the "DID YOU KNOW?"s on pomegranate. It's a super-food, packed with antioxidants,even greater than blueberries, cranberries, oranges and green tea.A great free radical scavenger. It's a cancer fighter.(particularly breast cancer,lung cancer and prostate cancer) Aids an ailing body. Gives the skin a healthy glow,shine and just youthful looking. An anti-inflammatory agent, ease arthritic pain. Take it in conc