Is white sugar toxic?

Assalamualaikum. Let's talk about sugar. When I was younger, I thought sugar was only used in beverages - coffees & teas. However, as time passed by I realized sugar was added not only in beverages but also in many of the on shelf products. ( including canned food, instant meals, yoghurt drinks etc. Learn to read the ingredients, not all product are labelled honestly ) Then came another surprise, many people include sugar as an essential ingredient for a variety of cooking recipes. I am not talking about desserts, I'm talking about gravy, soups and curry. A hint of sugar is okay. A lot of sugar is poison. Here are 6 of the health problems that may be trigger from consuming too much sugar :- 1) Weight gain ( Obesity ) ~ Studies have shown, sugar is one of the major contributors to obesity. ~ Fructose is linked to increased hunger, thus the desire to eat more. 2) Diabetes ( High blood sugar ) ~ Diabetes takes many years before symptoms a...