
Showing posts from January, 2011

Of Coffee's Goodness

As a relatively mild type of stimulant found in coffee, caffeine is capable of improving our agility , sharpening mental focus, and speeding up the metabolic rates for an enhanced level of our mind and body . In fact, caffeine is found in about 60 types of plant, of which the most popularly known are tea and coffee. How much consumption of coffee is deemed excessive? Actually, we can take up to 300mg of coffee without getting any side effect. For countries where high consumption of coffee is recorded, the average daily intake is in the range of 250~600mg. Scientific studies and analysis have proven that this dosage would not bring any harmful effect to the human body. On the other hand, according to the latest research findings of the Institute for Coffee Studies at Vanderbilt University Medical Center of Nashville in USA, coffee bean features a rich content of antioxidants*. * Note: Antioxidants have been proven to be helpful in alleviating the condition of heart diseases and

Protein Power

It's a known fact that we need protein in our diet. It's an essential factor for tissue healing, cell regeneration, provides energy,and hormon production. Protein is required all over the body, especially in the growth of new tissues and cells. We can obtain our daily requirement of protein from a lot of sources ; red meat, chicken, fishes and soya beans. The best source would be either fish,fresh is better compared to frozen or soya beans. Why? Generally chickens and red meat are polluted with antibiotics,fat and hormones whereas it could do more harm than good to our body's constitution, free range products exceptional. Today I'd like to share about the marvelous bean, the soya bean. Even though soya is not an animal, it contains high protein, as a matter of fact, it's protein supply is as much as we get from Mr.cow, without the harmful byproducts, hormones and fats. This is why soya is a perfect substitute to red or white meat if you're thinking of cutting

Healthy babies starts in utero

What are you feeding your kids with? Are they getting enough of the nutrients and nutrition needed? Whatever the answer may be,we must be aware. Kids dietary habits are not just what you feed them, it's what you're feeding yourself when you have an embryo developing inside of you. Most of us know that the most vital part of our pregnancy is the first trimester, this obviously states that our eating habits at this particular stage greatly affects the growth of our baby.  So, if you really are seriously serious on keeping your child in the pink of health, don't wait till they're out here, visibly in front of your own eyes. You must start to eat wisely when you conceive( Even before you're pregnant it's important that you eat good food, let's say you hadn't, make your baby the reason to start).  The organs and body parts of our little babies all starts in the womb, it just makes sense that if we're providing them with enough nutrition they will grow hea

Eat and Eliminate Cholesterol

Beating the cholesterol level in your blood isn't hard. If you want to, you can. You can still eat delicious yet nutritious food that can help you to get rid of those fatty fats. Add these amazingly yummy foods into your diet or better, substitute them for the cholesterol contributing foods you've been consuming all this while. Having an increased blood cholesterol level increases the risk for cardiovascular diseases,liver diseases and dysfunctional organs. Okay,for an achievable goal do get involved in a consistent physical activity(burns fat quickly) and cut down on the smoking(retards digestion processes and impairs the breakdown of fats),now you're good to go. So, let's say goodbye to those fat-laden foods and take in these wonderful foods;- Oatmeal You should take oat for breakfast, at least. If not you can take up to 3 or 4 servings per day. Oats is a perfect meal to start the day with, fortified with omega-3, folate and potassium. It is fiber-rich, effectiv

A Calling for Collagen

Who needs collagen? Collagen is often associated with beauty and anti aging products. It brings us more than just shedding off wrinkles and enhancing beauty. Let's get deeper into what collagen has to offer. Collagen exists naturally in our body,providing support and protection to body tissues and is actively involved in many physiological and biological processes, including beauty enhancement and anti aging effects. Furthermore it participates actively in cellular migration,division,proliferation and is closely related to fetus's development, tissue healing,subdue tumor growth,strengthening immunity, a remedy for arthritis and rheumatism. Wait! There's more, do read on..Here are some major cotributions of collagen;- Forms the inter-cellular bond,protecting and binds cells in place while catering them with nutrients and oxygen. Used as building  blocks for repairing and rejuvenating the skin,internal organs ans the skeletal system. Enhancing water and calcium retentio

Sleep Like a Baby

  Did you sleep well last night? Aren't we all just too busy with all the never-ending workloads?Yes or no this is no reason for any of us to neglect our sleeping hours. No matter how over occupied you are, you need to slow down when it's dark and close your eyes,forget about your chores, forget about your problems, forget about everything that's keeping you awake.  Here are some of the reasons why you should go get some Zzz.. You could get THINNER! Less sleep,higher body mass index. So,if you're trying to shed off that flab,have at least 8 hours of night sleep. Daytime sleeping would probably add a few extra kilos to that weighing machine. Click here and get thin sleeping Boost your memory, yeah it does, if you're not keen on dementia you know what to do. Fights cold,ulcers and even cancer. The body heals and repairs itself when we're asleep. Melatonin,a cancer-fighting antioxidant is produced when we're asleep. The liver regenerates when we're asleep

Detox starts here

Detoxification- is lengthy, so detox is used. *sigh*, well doesn't matter as long as we get the point. If you're wondering how to clean  up that mess inside your body, you can start with these few simple steps, gradually it becomes easier and less of the hassle. Don't think about it, just jump straight into action. Drink plenty of purified water . Water flushes out toxin from the body and vital for healthy bodily function. As we all know we need at least 8 glasses daily, drinking water, not carbonated nonsense. An excellent investment in healing processes. Freshly made fruits and veggie juices offers abundance of antioxidants,enzymes and minerals, binding to free radicals and neutralize them. Once you made the juice just gulp it all down, leaving it exposed will diminish its nutritional values. Find other means of comforting yourself other than indulging yourself with food. Treat that constipated gut . Detox is impaired when there's traffic jam down there. Take ps

The Constipation Menace

Did you know that the root of most chronic diseases results from CONSTIPATION?I bet we all have gone through a period of irregular bowel movements. It's becoming a common occurrence through out the nations. Despite affecting more and more people each day, does anyone recognize this as a problem? Or maybe it's considered normal to have constipation. Read on and think again. After doing much research, I concluded that constipation exists in two forms, physically and mentally...Okay mental constipation is something new,isn't it? We'll get on that later, for now let's look at the usual constipation, disturbance in regular bowel movements. Constipation What causes constipation? Lack of dietary fiber -With the modern diet patterns,fiber is less included in the menu.Even though it offers no nutritional values what so ever but it is crucial for maintaining a healthy colon and it absorbs fats and toxic waste to be brought out for elimination. Lack of water -When water

Free Radicals and Supplements

Free radicals, aren't they getting much publicity these days? What makes them so famous? They're notorious, that's why we know them. We just want to run away from them, avoid them, never to make any contact what so ever with them but... its too much to wish for because like it or not everywhere we go and most of what we eat contributes to the formation of these radicals. Why hate them? They are just a by product made by us. Yes, but when they start to over produce, they'll start a riot and vandalize our body. Free radicals are simply an oxygen molecule. So, why does it brings so much fear to us? We breathe in oxygen all the time. These radicals are no ordinary oxygen which is O2= 2 molecules of oxygen bounded together, this is what our body needs. Free radicals are single oxygen molecules, so they get bored easily and what do they do when they're alone and boring? They go insane and unstable, marching around our body like a lunatic and start to attack the normal mo

Healthy Diet Healthy Lifestyle

Here are some easy-to-apply tips on a healthier ways of living and eating. Lets start with what we all love most, eating! Yup we love to eat and there is just sooo many choices to choose off the menu. On your next mealtime, why not opt for something that benefits your body? Here's some clues;- Take more fiber- increase your fruits and veggies intake. Have fish instead of chicken or red meat- fish contains protein and omega 3 fatty acids, vital for brain development & senile prevention. Take less fat Cautions when taking salty foods- too much salt increases bloods viscosity and this will retard blood flow and platforms the onset of high blood pressure. Okay now the daily habits.What are the do's and don'ts?;- Avoid an empty stomach- increasing the risk for stomach ulcer, low blood sugar level, cerebral thrombosis and urinary calculus. Don't stay up late-this stresses up the nervous system, may result in cerebral damage, leads to cardiovascular problems and t

Garlic for Breakfast, anyone?

Who would have thought that chewing a few cloves of garlic a day is beneficial for our health being? I never thought of that. I hated garlic, not anymore. Since i just found out about the garlic wonder, I'll share it with you lot out there, so i don't have to eat all that garlic by myself. Now isn't that just fair? Read on to find out about the therapeutic properties of the garlic;- Boosts immunity-helps to ward off viral infections and may directly combat many fungal-type infections.  Great for the Heart-by lowering blood cholesterol counts. Treats hypertension/high blood pressure. Protects the lungs-acts as a decongestant and expectorant for common colds, chronic bronchitis and a remedy for pulmonary related problems. Prevent cancer. Anticoagulant. Anti-inflammation. sedative. athelete's foot and more. Just gulp it down and try these solutions to refreshen your breath;-  take strong coffee, honey, yogurt or a glass of milk.Some recommends chewing parsley. T

Dieting For Weight Loss

Obesity is a growing problem. Even popular dieting programs have little success in the long run. How do we cope with this problem? Starving yourself to shed off a few pounds isn't the answer and it's proven that cutting down consumption tends to leave one in a state of deprivation eventually leads to intense craving and binge eating later. It's believed that green tea possess the ability to boost metabolic rate,therefore speeds up fat burning process and stimulates weight loss, but its painstakingly slow and the results are barely noticeable. Excess weight is gained due to deposition of fats, toxic build ups. Its recommended for those who desire to lose fat to get involve in a healthy diet program and try fasting. There are various types of fasting that can benefit the body miraculously. Detox diets provide the body with low amount of calories. Limit your intake of beef, chicken ,burgers and carbohydrate-rich foods such as grains,beans, starchy veggies,bread,rice and pot

Coffee and Caffeine

If you are like me and enjoy drinking coffee, you'd probably notice that drinking coffee is an addiction. oops? Yes, many of us can't deny the need for a daily dose of coffee once we're hooked up on it. So, why not we hit two birds with one stone and satisfy our throats at the same time improve our body's health instead of heading for a wasteful deterioration by simply drinking any random cup of coffee. The most important factor in a cup of coffee is the beans. It's been circulating around that arabica and brazilian coffee beans wins the vote. A limited intake of coffee per day is actually beneficial for our vitality, and of course when the coffee is mixed with so much of other unknown substances, flavors and preservatives they no longer have their quality purposes and may bring harm to the body. That is why choosing the right coffee is important, if you care how it affects you internally. The caffeine in the coffee brings about a series of therapeutic values despi

Burning Fat, Burning Cholesterol

Cholesterol and fats are notorious. But they are not totally bad. We do need them for preserving body heat, maintaining cell membranes structure, manufactures hormone and bile acids. So, what's the problem? The problem is that many of us are consuming waaaay too much of these substances that it becomes a burden for our body. Why happens when we get an overload of fatty solids in our system? Since they are solids, not liquid, they are hard to digest and have the tendency of blocking blood vessels. Increasing the risk for angina and cardiovascular diseases.Some of the noticed symptoms in a person with high levels of cholesterol are yellow nodules underneath the eyes, beneath the skin of elbows or knees. As we all know, there are two types of cholesterol, HDL(the good guy) and LDL(the bad guy). The ratio is whenever one is lower, the other is higher.What we've got to do is try to increase the HDL, the LDL will then back off. One problem though, its harder to keep the LDL low as

Wonder Berries

Have you had your berries today? Who would have thought that berries that tastes so yummy are packed with wholesome goodness.The benefits;- anti aging antioxidants properties, producing youthful and radiant skin, improves blood circulation,improves eye sight, enhance immunity, great for brain development and improves the digestive system. Lets meet the wonder-berries. Blueberry and Bilberry These are familiar to many. Blend well with smoothies, pancakes, ice-creams, baked goods and toppings for cereals or oats. Both blueberry and bilberry(a close cousin of the latter) are rich with anthocyanins , a type of antioxidant that gives the berries its blue color. This particular compound destroys free radicals and is able to alleviate cognitive function in Alzheimer's disease. Scientific studies have shown that consuming these berries can prevent or reversing eye ailments. Cranberry  Bright-red and appealing, cranberries are widely used to ward off urinary tract infection. It'

Chew it well

How you eat affects your consumption and your body.If you eat the right way and the right kind of food you'll get fit and healthy. Your body will not lose too much or too little weight. Weighty issues will be kept at bay. Don't starve yourself just to shed a few unaccomplished pounds. Not only you suffer but the results may be disappointing. I met many people who tend to skip meals, hoping to lose weight. But most of their weights stayed the same, and worse some even got heavier. Aargh.. all that hunger they had to go through for nothing? It's not about how less you eat. You could achieve a healthy weight just by having an ethical meal manners. Lets see how;- Chew thoroughly and slowly. When you chew your food well, it's well digested lessening the burden in the stomach for further processes and taking time to gulp it down will send a message to your tummy that food is entering. Slowly, one by one. If you do the opposite, shoving tonnes of food in a second, your bod

Being healthy makes you wealthy

What comes in your mind when you think of wealth? An extremely large residence surrounded with guard posts? A big,fat luxury car? Endless cash and jeweleries falling from the sky? Oops..don't get me wrong. These luxurious are what makes one rich, but wealth is more than just materials. What use are these worldly items when you're tied to the hospital bed with a chronic disease or faced with a terminal disease? Heard of this quote before ; "Health is your greatest wealth"? Its true indeed. Unfortunately it's only realized by many once they're struck with an illness.Why wait for a limited mobility or diet prescribed with drugs for an eye opener. Appreciate your body and the organs now and look after them well, they will return the favor and treat you well. insyaAllah. When you are in the right path of learning, educating and practicing, you will gain followers that have similar interests and together you'll find a way to create a way of generating income w

Caring for the skin - more than just skin deep

Our skin is waterproof and acts as a protection against microorganism, the weather and whatever that comes in contact with it. Don't we all desire for a flawless,smooth and radiant skin? Especially when facial is concerned. Unfortunately not everyone has perfect skin. But it's not impossible to obtain a healthy ,blemish-free and pinkish glowing complexion. Just put in some effort before you can gain the amazing results you've been yearning for.  As you can see, the skin is made up of several layers, deep under the skin lies the sebaceous gland. This particular gland secretes oil and without proper cleansing skin will appear oily, trapping dust and dirt in pores of skin, thus sprouting pimples. Adolescence is usually the time when our skin becomes sensitive, its caused by an overactive gland secretions, the more oil comes out the higher chances of zits to appear. Other contributing factors to skin deterioration are oxidation(pigmentation), stress(dryness), UV rays(wrinkles

The great mushroom discovery

Have you heard of lingzhi? Also known as reishi, it's a well known tonic among Chinese health practitioners as it promotes various health benefits to the human's body. There are six types of lingzhi that are found in the world, they are categorized into 6 colors; red, green, purple, yellow, white and black. Each type has different purposes towards the body. A Taiwan company, namely Shuang Hor Group has done research on these lingzhis and has successfully combined all 6 types becoming a new patented lingzhi, thus it has all benefits from all lingzhi, making it a superior herb for the body wholly. The uniqueness of this lingzhi is its safe for all , including pregnant mothers and babies. More over it's a health food , it heals and repairs with no adverse effects .  No matter how much its cosumed. Lingzhi is also capable of promoting new healthy cells including liver cells and stengthens the immune system. More of  lingzhis goodness:- Offers detoxification and cellular c

Drink more water

As i mentioned before, 75% of our body is made up of water. Water maintains the moisture in our body for normal bodily functions and regulates body temperature . Lacking of fluid, causes dryness and disturbs the functions of organs, distribution of nutrients and digestion processes, thus affecting our health. On average an adult loses about 1-2 liters of fluids per day through perspiration, urination, breathing and bowel movements. Other factors contributing to water loss are high salt intake, exposure to chemical substances and extreme physical activities. Its recommended that we drink at least 8 glasses of water/ day or any type of fluids will do, including fruits and juices. It's important that we replace the water that is lost to avoid any malfunctions or complications with our organs. Avoid taking too much coffee, carbonated beverages and alcohol as these drinks do not act as a fluid, they in fact do the opposite, dehydrating your body. Our kidneys needs adequate fluid to n

Introducing wellness

How do we take care of our health? We've all heard of the saying, 'prevention is better than cure' but how do we prevent an onset of an illness? Surprisingly not many of us are certain what wellness is all about, I'm included. So, let's find out together how to avoid pills and pains. What's health care? There are three types of it, Curative health care;- Medically treated after a doctor's check up, confirmed unwell. Preventive heath care;- Leading a healthy lifestyle with consistent check up's with a clean bill. And then, there's the total wellness health care;-  Early adoption of a healthy lifestyle. Focused with a peace of mind and faithful in God. Adoption of a positive attitude about life, work, health and energy. Emphasize on health, energy, family harmony, and empathy for others. Finding purpose on life. Selflessness, Give more and take less. A proper rest and relaxation. Moderate exercise. Proper nutrition. Financial freedom. Ho