Healthy Diet Healthy Lifestyle

Here are some easy-to-apply tips on a healthier ways of living and eating. Lets start with what we all love most, eating! Yup we love to eat and there is just sooo many choices to choose off the menu. On your next mealtime, why not opt for something that benefits your body? Here's some clues;-

  • Take more fiber- increase your fruits and veggies intake.
  • Have fish instead of chicken or red meat- fish contains protein and omega 3 fatty acids, vital for brain development & senile prevention.
  • Take less fat
  • Cautions when taking salty foods- too much salt increases bloods viscosity and this will retard blood flow and platforms the onset of high blood pressure.
    Okay now the daily habits.What are the do's and don'ts?;-
    • Avoid an empty stomach- increasing the risk for stomach ulcer, low blood sugar level, cerebral thrombosis and urinary calculus.
    • Don't stay up late-this stresses up the nervous system, may result in cerebral damage, leads to cardiovascular problems and triggers the onset of premature aging.
    • Avoid excessive amounts of physical exertion and emotional excitement- in appropriate amounts regulates blood flow and nervous system,but too much of it can bring about nervous fatigue, exhausting the muscles,tendons and may lead to build ups of lactic acids that may arise problems later in life.
    • Have consistent moderate physical activities. Swimming 4 times a week or daily brisks walks would be sufficient.
    • Have enough sleep and rest. Your body needs it.


      Sara Palmer said…
      Another great article. As usual, I enjoyed reading a lot of them, This one has great tips too, and I am sure, this would be a good reminder for all those who neglect their health. Nice post.

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