Tib An Nabawi (part 2) ; Of Fever, Headaches and Migraines

Thank you for making a presence here, You are most welcome. In my previous entry, you could read about a brief introduction of Tib An Nabawi by Ibn Qayyim Al Jawziyah, Staying healthy. If you haven't, please click here to be redirected..> Thank you.
So, if you had, let's read on the next part of this book, this time it's about the utmost part of our body, the head and it's illnesses. Commonly known as a headache, or migraine, sometimes it comes with a fever.

1.Headache & Migraine
What differs a headache from a migraine is that a migraine attacks are targeted on either the right or left side of the head, sometimes it attack the whole head, namely helmet-type headache.
A headache usually starts when the head is overheated, it becomes hot due to pressure of septic vapor accumulating in or near the head which fails to seek a way out of the body, leading to intensified pressure of the vapor. ( imagine steam, in a boiling pot, unable to escape)
When moisture is heated up, it seeks space to expand itself, causing headaches, sometimes accompanied by dizziness.
The main possible causes of a headache:-
  • Extreme weather conditions, either too hot or too cold.
  • Provoked after vomiting.
  • Due to a constipated gut, waste materials goes through fermentation in the gut releasing toxin gas that makes its way to the head and causing headache.
  • Stomach ulcers, nerves of the stomach are interrelated with nerves in the head.
  • Tumor in gastric veins.
  • Sometimes occurs after sexual intercourse due to weaken body system.
  • Excessive talking or excessive movements/sports.
  • Emotional factors: depression, sadness, obsession and negative thinking.
  • Tumor in cerebral lining, this may cause a hammer-like pounding in your head.
The weaker side of brain will accept septic materials, and in the case of migraine headache the pain will be felt with pulses in the arteries.  Sometimes tying a bandage on the head offers a relief. Other relieving methods;-
  • vomiting
  • Eating
  • being calm & idle (taking a rest)
  • Avoid noisy areas
  • Using cold rags & cooling the body
Fever, is an elevated body temperature, the heat spread starts from the heart and following the circulatory system, it travels through out the body. When it does, it distrupts the functions of organs and cells.
A fever sometimes are signs resulting from tumors, sunstroke ,intense heat or toxin, called septic/toxic fever.
But don't fret over a fever, it's useful in opening blockages, hence after the fever has subside, it goes away taking illnesses with it, what can be treated with a fever?;-
  • Conjunctivitis
  • facial paralysis, hemiphelgia (partially paralyze)
  • Spasms
  • Other ailments resulting from blockage of harmful substances.
  • Purifies the body, cleanses all impurities and septic elements out of the body.
Have a glass of cold water2. This may help. And for those Muslims, fever is said to wash away sin3, so be patient and endure it calmly.
2.HS Muslim, As said by The Prophet Muhammad(Pbuh) : The fever is a breath
of hellfire, therefore cool it down with water.
3..HS Muslim, Fever removes sin.

Okay, that's all for today, thank you again for dropping by and for the read. See you again soon!


Unknown said…
A headache's tip for sharing....

close right side of nose n breathing like usual
Mak anak tiga said…
Oh..thanks @Suhami Ahmad
Arneza said…
cepat sakit kepala....kalau rasa panasss...
Mak anak tiga said…
@ arneze.. yups mmg heat kacau dlm buat kepala sakit..

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