Back Pain During Pregnancy : Tips For Relief

One of the common pregnancy problem experienced by pregnant mothers is back pain or backaches.It's not a big problem, however, it's not an enjoyable occurrence as it causes discomfort and uneasiness. Good news is there are some solutions in relieving these backaches. Hopefully, insyaAllah, these tips works well.

Why Back Pain occurs

As pregnancy progresses , our body goes through changes and releases new kinds of hormones (relaxin) in adaption for birthing process, these changes and alterations means well to loosen up our muscles and ligaments for the big 'pushing-out' day. And do remember, your growing uterus plays a role in disorientating our spinal posture, as it grows bigger the more discomfort may be felt.

Tips for Relief  

Here come's the good part, the pain can be or probably have chances of subsiding. Try one of these few tips and see if it suits you.

  1. Maintaining a good posture. Sit up straight, and use a chair preferably support with a cushion. Elevate your legs a little, this may help in adjusting your pelvic position and ease the pain. When standing, stand up straight, shoulders laid back and relaxed. If you could, avoid standing in the same position for long duration.  Standing up straight may be one of the easiest yet best ways in relieving your back ache.
  2. Footwear.This is no time for fashionista , in pregnancy high heels are a no, no. They're no good when you're not even pregnant, so when you are they are worse. Wear flats, comfortable shoes or those kinds of shoes you get from orthopedics, they are made for comfort, not only for the feet but the spine as well.
  3. Lifting objects.Try not to lift heavy objects, but if you must, lift them properly. Squat down and pick up the object, do not bend your back to reach stuff, you'll give your back a stretch you'll later regret.
  4. Don't sleep on y our back. Sleep on your side, with knees bent. It may be more comfortable to place a pillow under your abdomen or between your knees. Sometimes placing both legs on a pillow feels , elevating the legs higher that your body makes you feel better as well.
  5. Have a Proper Diet. Being pregnant is not the ticket to overload your platter ladies. No, no, no.Having too much to eat puts an excessive burden on your body. Excessive fats deposited here and there and causes problems. Maintain a healthy diet, and as your tummy is growing, little space is left for food . What you can do is eat small portions through out the day to avoid heartburn and you's be surprised that your back / neck pain should no longer be bothering you.
Those are the few tips I thought that could help out with your back pain.. and here I like to share a website where stretching and yoga is said to be helpful in these conditions ...

If none of these above methods work for you , check this out >

Thank you for reading! Counting down for labor (^_^) Excitement in the air, yes?


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