Beauty Skin Tips: Exfoliating

Exfoliate your skin. What is exfoliating? It means to remove the layers of dead skin on our skin's surface. Every minute thousands of skin cells are dying and shedding off, but because they are minute we don't even realize it, as new skin cells are always regenerating to cover up on the dying ones, we will never notice that our skin is 24 hours falling off and being replaced.
The most hard working cell to produce new skin cells is the epidermis, the first layer of skin that also has to endure sun ray, polluted air, all the wears and tears and chemicals is you did applied chemically-based ointments or whatever. Look at your skin, has it been taken care of, after all these years it endured the cold wind and scorching heat?
Our skin does, naturally exfoliate itself, the new growing cells will push out the dead cells away and make it fall off, however as we age and due to many other factors(Premature aging, free radicals, fad diet,etc..) its ability is decreased, hence our skin condition is affected. Here are the signs when your skin's exfoliating functions are impaired:-
  1. Dull looking complexion.
  2. Pigmentation, blemishes, brown spots.
  3. Clogged pores, eventually leads to formation of pimples.
  4. Uneven texture.
  5. Flaky skin.
  6. Wrinkles.
 The benefits of exfoliating:-
  • Fresher and youthful looking skin.
  • Healthier skin and a healthier glow.
  • Diminishes the appearance of blemishes, brown spots and wrinkles.
  • Stimulates growth of new skin cells.
  • Cleans up pores and washes away excessive sebum.
  • Thoroughly cleanse deep inside pores of skin.
  • Smooth, baby-like skin.

Some tips on what to avoid when exfoliating:
  1. Avoid using grainy scrubs-the grains in some scrubs are capable of damaging your skin and leads to thinning of the skin, making the skin more sensitive than it is already is.
  2. Exfoliate only once or twice per week- This is enough, more will do harm to the skin's health and aggravate sebaceous gland activity, bursting out unnecessary amounts of oil.
  3. Scrub gently, excessive pressure is not required. The skin is sensitive and any harsh activities will easily affect it and cause irritation.
Here's My Choice of Exfoliating.
Since I encourage you girls(and guys as well) to exfoliate, as I myself enjoyed this particular skin enhancing procedure and without any hassle(just once a week), I have to admit it does makes my skin looks and feels much better. I am not sure of the products offered off the store shelves as my knowledge is limited, but this is one exfoliating gel I have no regrets on trying and I'd like to share it with all of you.
Here is the VCare Exfoliating Gel, smells wonderful, 100% natural and guaranteed safe.Suitable for all skin types, sensitive or oily or dry or whatever skin condition this exfoliating gel is applicable, no problem.
What makes this Vcare Exfoliating Gel so special? It contains:-
  • nano-ganoderma lucidum(Lingzhi mushroom)-Packed with polysaccharide peptides, triterpenoids, adenosines, nucleic acids, vitamins A, B & E, and various trace elements, which can be efficiently absorbed by the skin cells for cell healing, increasing blood circulation, improves inner regulatory and nourishing benefits. Read more on Lingzhi mushroom here...>>
  • Aloe Barbadensis-A family member of the Aloe Vera Plant, which is capable or repairing skin cells, regulate circulation, reduce inflammation and softens the skin.
  • Lavender-Regulates sebum production to decrease oil secretion and impair acne formation.
  • Witch hazel & Algae-Moisturize and soothes the skin.
  • Apple extracts-Offers deep cell cleansing and nourishes skin cells.
  • Hyaluronic acid-Offers protection to the skin.
This Vcare Exfoliating gel is in gel form, containing no grainy substances, thus it is gentle on the skin. It's enriched with extracted, high quality ingredients which effectively repairs, nourishes and eliminates dead skin cells without harming the skin's texture.

The experience of using this Vcare Exfoliating Gel is just superb. And the effect is even greater. You have to try it to believe it, once you use it, you won't be looking anywhere else for a substitute, because it the satisfaction can be described. Thank you for the read, Click here for more of Vcare Skin Care range..>>


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